

Despite being considered the weaker gender; women have over the years made great strides in every sector you can possibly think of, thus breaking the stereotype. They continue to be homemakers, nurturing and building their families regardless. Their social, cultural, economic and political achievements are greatly appreciated.

Today is International Women’s Day, a day set aside globally to celebrate women annually. Every year on March 8, the focal point is set on women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights and violence and abuse against women.

As the world celebrates all women today, AnsMed Home Care cannot overlook the hard work and commitment of our very own second in command. We are using this opportunity to acknowledge Ms. Anne Effah, our General Manager. She is a dedicated and resourceful manager who provides leadership in the firm’s operations. She has extensive experience in clinical nursing and business management.
Ms. Anne, our melanin beauty enjoys reading at her leisure and does not joke with her ‘Konkonte’ aka ‘Face the wall’ aka ‘Chris Brown’ aka ‘Lapeewa’ with cow meat groundnut soup and a piece of okro. Once she washes this down with some ice-cold water, she’s good to go.

Well done Madam Anne, we appreciate and celebrate you, Ayekoo!